Through involvement with the San Diego Beekeeping Society as well as independent beehive rescue organizations, Imagine More has worked with local schools, homeowners, university students, and the greater San Diego community to promote education and awareness of beekeeping, pollinators, and ecosystem health. We have represented the Beekeeping Society at community outreach events, provided information to those just getting started, and conducted lectures and workshops with students and participants of all ages. We have also aided in hive rescues, rehomings, and honey harvests across San Diego County.
Imagine More also helped coordinate a study run by a UCSD entomology lab, leveraging the knowledge and efforts of San Diego Beekeeping Society members to better understand how honeybees use water sources. This data collection led to a paper published in the Journal of Experimental Biology (Salt preferences of honey bee water foragers. J Exp Biol. 2016 Mar;219(Pt 6):790-6.) As we continue our involvement with the Society, we hope to help everyone in San Diego (and beyond!) realize how fascinating, essential and fun beekeeping, ecology, and their local environments can be! |